Javi: I had another great day, Mama!
Me: Awesome job. That's four days in a row.
Javi: I know, I'm doing really good. But, now five girls like me!
Me: Five? Wow. How do you know they like you?
Javi: They told me and they chase me and they call me "hot chocolate."
Me: (between laughs) Hot chocolate? Why in the world are they calling you hot chocolate?
Javi: I don't know. I guess because I'm hot and sweet and I do have these brown eyes.
Me: Well alright, then, hot chocolate. Looks like we have a new nickname for you.
Javi: Mama! Do not call me hot chocolate. You can even call me Stinkerbelle before you call me hot chocolate.
Me: Calm down, chocolate stinkerbelle.
Javi: Oh, no, Mama. You can't call me that. Now it sounds like poop!
Me: Hm. Are you sure you know why they call you hot chocolate? Maybe it's their version of Stinkerbelle. You are wearing brown today.
Javi: No, I'm sure it's because I'm hot. Like, 100 percent sure. Especially with my brown eyes.
100 percent, people.

I will never again question the hotness.
OMG - that is too cute! Love the self-confidence.
I think the third-grade girls have created a monster!
That is co cute. Hot chocolate...classic. You've definitely got your hands full...wonderfully full!
Hot Chocolate? What the?? Hilarious!!
I will definitely NOT question the hotness.
I know - of all things, hot chocolate? Billy (aka my mountain man) has been calling him "Mayola" (white milk) all night. :)
this is too funny!
You gotta hand it to the kid, he's got confidence! Nice job, Mommy!
Gah. That confidence! I'm trying not to over-analyze it and just let him enjoy being nine, but I want him to feel confident based on who he is rather than how others see him. But, for now, I'm stepping back and just letting him be a kid. It's so hard!
chocolate stinkerbell? Love it.
Had to add another thought--did you ever see the movie "Coming to America"?
Eric La Salle (of E.R. fame) played this douchebag who was in a band called "Sexual Chocolate." I got the giggles this afternoon when I remembered it. Watch out!
Hot Chocolate. This is too damn funny. 100% sure. I'm STILL chuckling. I love that little man.
So funny! Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!
So cute! Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest
He is REALLY cute. I love this post and I love his confidence. What a sweetie!
I think this is adorable. I'm all for HOTNESS. (Let him enjoy it - because girl teens are fickle! Go Javi!)
Yep, it won't be long now before someone breaks his heart. I think part of his confidence stems from spending a few years as the "bad kid" in his grade. That was before we got his medication sorted out and he matured a bit. Hopefully we won't ever go back to that!
wow - are they ever starting young... better lock him up til he's thirty mom... the girls can be wild at that age!
stopping by from SITS
Dropping by in return! Adorable blog!! LB Tea Party! ~ Nicole
Hi Kelly! Thanks for stopping by KDC Events! Your son sounds just like my 6 year old! He always comes home with great stories too! It's great being there to hear them huh!! =)
This made me giggle, and giggle some more. He's so adorable. I can see why the girls love him. He really does have beautiful brown eyes.
I love that! His eyes are pretty magnifying. Yeh, don't question the hottness my dear ;)
You just make me smile. It reminds me of a book that Hannah loves called, "I love you Stinkyface".
I love that! Kids say such cute things. He's handsome! Definitely hot chocolate. :)
Kids are so much fun!
In swedish, when we want to say that someone has done something bad, we say something that rougly translates to : How ugly you are!
Once I said that to my then 12-year old little brother, who answered: "Me? I'm a looker!"
It was so hilarious!
Love this!