
Bella's Big Day

After our regular Saturday-morning gymnastics class, Bella and I spent a couple hours palling around Sanford. First we met up with Amy at the Farmer's Market in Depot Park, where Bella promptly began whining about the "aw-da-bord." Known as a train in most circles, my child prefers to call it either the "all aboard" or the "all aboard the choo choo train."

After buying a big bucket of strawberries, a pound of asparagus, and the most delicious artisan bread I've ever tasted (it had a cinnamon-honey-brown sugar-cream cheese mixture swirled in), Bella and I stopped for cafe drinks before meeting up with Amy again to show her our plots at the community garden. Then it was back home for lunch and a nap -- well, she napped while I cleaned...

But then the fun began. While Billy and Javi headed out to see Wolverine, Bella and I invited Rebecca and her niece Tiffy down to play in the frog pool/sprinkler. The girls spent about an hour romping around, running in and out of the water, and playing with the basketball (which Bella calls "my kee-kah-ball" for some reason).

Then I got a call from Abbey saying our sweet Daphne has been returned to the shelter due to some crisis in her new family's life. How could I let her spend the night in a shelter? She's lived with a family since we brought her home as a wee pup. So ... she's coming home tonight. We're waiting for Abbey to drop her off. What's crazy is we're all so excited to see her and can't wait to spend some time with her while CARA tries to find her a new permanent home.

All in all, a long but productive and fun day. Stay tuned for pictures of our puppy reunion!


  • Courtney Jenkins

    HAHA! Apparently you watch Choo Choo Soul too! Luke also calls trains "all aboards." Too cute!

  • Kelly Miller

    So funny! She doesn't watch Choo Choo Soul, but she's definitely seen the little videos. How cute that Luke does the same thing?!

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